Monday, May 3, 2010

I Know What I Meant. I Think.

I had a frustrating talk with K last week. We were discussing politics. I was dismayed to find out he is a conservative Republican. He and I think so much alike on so many of the issues we have discussed I would have never guessed it. At the end of our conversation we determinded that we both are conservative when it comes to political and economic issues but liberal when it comes to social issues. I knew he and I thought very much alike about a lot of things, it was satisfying to figure out in which ways.

The frustrating part was that I was unable to put my own views and ideals into coherent sentences. Not only do I feel I failed to adequately get my views across I'm afraid I ended up sounding either undecided or uneducated. Ouch. I know that isn't the case and I need to make sure I'm able to prove it. I am going to make a concerted effort to sort out my religious, political, social, and economic viewa and learn how to discuss them all intelligently. Well, I needed a focus for this blog, I guess this will be it for now.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Hmm...I started a blog and promply forgot about it. Yep, that sounds about right. I'm working on it.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

It's way late for this and I don't celebrate the holiday myself but, Blessed Imbolc!

Blessed Imbolc Pictures, Images and Photos

Monday, February 1, 2010

This Day Started Off All Wrong. Perfect!

It seems only fitting that I finally begin this blog on a day that began with me being thwarted. I couldn't go to work today because I was snowed in my driveway. Luckily, my newish neighbor offered to push my car to the side of the street so I'm set for tomorrow. I also just got a phone call informing me that we open two hours late tomorrow. I hate to use more PTO but at least I have it to use and I can sleep in a bit, which means I can stay up late too.

The funny thing about this blog is that I know it won't be much but I'm okay with that. It's okay that I'm doing this just for me and I don't have any expectations other than it be what I eventually make it. Not too long ago I wouldn't have started until I thought I had something to say that I thought someone else who would have wondered in here might have wanted to read. Further back still and not only would I have not even considered starting a blog but I also would have been bitter over the fact that I "couldn't" start one because I didn't have anything good enough to put in a blog.

The recent realization that I have changed so much in a relatively short span of time is the reason I decided to go ahead with this. This past weekend I had been lamenting the lack of something in my life (I don't really remember what right now) when I realized that it used to be so much worse not too long ago. The fact that I almost forgot about my cringe worthy past self made me realize it's a good idea to keep a journal if for no other reason than to track my progress.  The other reasons are that it will give me a chance to be creative and it just seems like a lot of fun.

I don't know if this will end up being anything other than a glorified personal journal but that's okay. I don't have any special talents or great writing ability but I do have the smoldering remnants of the passions I had as a child that I'd like to re-explore. The difference is that now I will try to develop any talents I have strictly for myself and not in preparation for a career. I also have something new since childhood to add-my passion for my beloved gods and the religion I'm crafting around them.

Speaking of my gods I guess I should clarify something about the title of the blog. When I had a more traditional view of deity I used to think the laughter from the gods in that favored quote was a kind of derisive laughter. Not really malicous just kind of, well, condescending. Now that I have personal relationships with several deities I see it is more of an indulgent, compassionate laughter-one meant to help us learn to laugh at ourselves and the capriciousness of life.